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Case Study

Google Ads Grant: Our Unique Approach to Helping Nonprofits Grow 📈


What is the Google Ads grant?

The Google Ad Grants program is a lifeline to nonprofit organizations in the US and worldwide. The generous $10,000 per month grant lets them raise awareness about their work while driving website traffic and increasing conversions.

The Literal Humans digital marketing team — led by my co-founder Will — has already run successful Google Ad Grant campaigns for several large US nonprofits, including:

This case study will cover our approach to running Google Ad Grants and highlight some of our success stories.

The Process

How we give Google Ad Grants the (literal) human touch

Getting a Google Ad Grant is one thing. Knowing how to use it is a different story. 

Unfortunately, we’ve seen many organizations letting their Ad Grant go to waste because they didn’t understand how to leverage it as part of their overarching marketing strategy.

Fortunately, we do know how to make the most of a Google Ad Grant, and we’ve saved more than one nonprofit from pouring $10,000 of free ad spend down the drain every month.

Here’s how.

The challenge

Done right, a $10K per month Ad Grant is guaranteed to drive traffic and increase conversions on a nonprofit’s website. 

The problem is a lot of organizations lack the in-house capacity or knowledge to run a Google Ad Grant to its fullest potential. So instead, they get the grant, set up a campaign, and leave it at that — or worse, they never set up a campaign at all. 🤦🏾 

Others simply haven’t heard of the program — even though they could benefit from it.

Without the in-house capacity or support of external specialists, these nonprofits are losing out on a potential $120,000 per year of ad spend. 😱

So how do you get an Ad Grant right?

The Literal Humans solution

The LH digital marketing team is experienced in helping nonprofits run Google Ad campaigns, update them every month, and use campaign data to improve and optimize campaigns. 

Our approach to creating Google Ad Grant campaigns involves in-depth keyword research and precise audience targeting to make sure ads are shown to the most relevant audiences and use high-converting copy, titles, and images. 

We also measure ad performance by monitoring traffic and conversions so nonprofit campaign teams can see the results for themselves. 

The advantage of this approach is that while SEO is a long game that can take three to six months to yield results, using Google Ads enables you to start benefiting from the keyword research immediately. 

Google Ads generally have a click-through rate of between 10% and 15%, so if you target a keyword with a search volume of 1,000 per month, you should see an increase in traffic of around 100-150 new users. 

While there’s no guarantee your content will organically rank at the top of the search results page, using Google Ads is a surefire way to get your website in front of more eyes. 

The Result

Make the Most of Your Google Ad Grant 🚀

The power of Google Ad Grants is not to be sniffed at — especially when combined with a targeted content marketing strategy — so it’s a tragedy to see nonprofits not reaping its full benefits.

The winning combination of targeted ad campaigns and a smart SEO strategy can build brand awareness, increase trust in your organization, bring new visitors to your website, and increase conversions. 

If you’re ready to partner with a Google Ad Grants specialist and get the most out of your Google Ad Grant, book a strategy call with me to learn more about how we can help you. 

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